Author Archives: admin

Cameroon’s players in the ACN Orange 2012

In addition to the trio of referees, ten or so Cameroon’s players have opted to play for other national sides, such as Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Niger and Burkina Faso. A few weeks ago, Namibia, one of Burkina Faso’s opponents during … Continue reading

Cameroon Agribusiness Report Q1 2012 – new market research report – Transworld News

In August 2011, it was reported that Biopalm Energy, a subsidiary of Singapore’s Siva Group, planned to launch a CFA900bn (US$1.91bn) palm oil investment project in the south of Cameroon. The 200,000-hectare greenfield project will be jointly developed …

Suisse: Une loie contre la Prostitution pour les camerounaises?

"Nous allons faire passer une loi contre la bordellerie. Des camerounaises donnent trop le mauvais exemple ici à Genève". Reçu sur Twitter, cette photo de jeunes femmes envoyeé par Chantal Biya, notre première dame, qu’elle a identifié comme étant de … Continue reading

Africa: Senegal president spends $200K to lobby US

Several months before a Senegalese court was due to rule on one of the most divisive issues facing the nation, the country’s aging president took extra care to ensure that his interpretation of the law would prevail not only in … Continue reading

Cameroun,Mbalmayo: Elle vole l\’argent appartenant à son ancien violeur pour se venger

Pour assouvir sa soif de vengeance contre son violeur, A.D., 17 ans et élève en classe de Terminale, ne se triture pas outre mesure les méninges pour trouver la solution : ruser avec son bourreau de boutiquier avant de lui … Continue reading

RD Congo: Et si Tshisekedi tempérait ses ardeurs ?

La montre tourne contre le leader de l\’Union pour la démocratie et le progrès social (UDPS), Etienne Tshisekedi, autoproclamé président de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC) à la faveur de la présidentielle du 28 novembre 2011. Il semble l\’avoir … Continue reading

Editorial: Why A Pre-emptive Strategy Is Even More Important Now

By Ireneaus Chongwain Chia Recent skirmishes in Douala between commercial motorcycle riders and inhabitants of Deido, which resulted in the loss of lives and the destruction of property, has highlighted the volatility of Cameroon's social climate. Thank God, the situation … Continue reading


Final communiqué of the 35th seminar of the Bishops of Cameroon

From January 7 to 14, 2012, the Bishops of Cameroon held their 35th Seminar at Centre d'Accueil Notre Dame de Perpétuel Secours, in the Diocese of Mbalmayo.  The President of the National Episcopal Conference of Cameroon (NECC) and Archbishop of … Continue reading