Author Archives: admin

Mbalam iron ore: Exploitation phase to begin soon

There is good news from Mbalam.  Experts deployed to measure the viability of the project are unequivocal; the project is capable of improving upon the economic health of Cameroon.

Fighting Corruption : the surprising declaration

Henri Eyebe Ayissi took many by surprise when he clearly indicated that the fight against corruption in Cameroon has taken on a new phase; repression.

Tuée alors qu’elle était au téléphone…

Accident mortel le jeudi 15 mars 2012 aux alentours de 22h à Yaoundé au lieu-dit  Bata Nlongkak. Une jeune dame, la trentaine vigoureuse, a été mortellement heurtée par un automobiliste vraisemblablement ivre d’après les témoignages recueillis sur les lieux du … Continue reading

Nomination des gouverneurs des Régions.

Le Président de la République du Cameroun, Paul BIYA, a rendu public le 14 mars 2012 un décret portant nomination des gouverneurs dans les dix régions du pays. Dans le cercle du commandement de nos régions, six anciens gouverneurs maintenus … Continue reading

President Paul Biya appoints Regional Governors

The text was published this 14th March 2012. Two former Governors are retired, three senior officials promoted Governors, six governors change regions and two maintain in the same region

Linus Toussaint Mendjana, DG de l’ENAM

Il remplace Benoit Ndong Soumet, le secrétaire d’Etat au ministère de l’éducation de base.

NRB: civil society invited to take a place on board

Cameroon’s Prime Minister and Head of Government, Philemon Yang has presided over the 12th session of the National Road Board this 13th of March 2012.

Transparency International dissects 2011 Presidential elections

The Cameroon Branch of Amnesty International has published its findings on the conduct of the 9th October 2011 Presidential Election in Cameroon.

The stolen baby Saga: another ugly development

Vanessa Tchatchou,  the young girl of 18 years that have stood her grounds after her child was reported missing was finally take out of the hospital.

Real business begins in the Cameroon Housing Corporation

He was designated and immediately installed during an extra-ordinary session of the board of Directors meeting of the Cameroon Housing Corporation, SIC this 12th of March 2012.