

The coming fuel cell revolution: What you need to know

Thanks to changes in enabling technology and stricter environmental regulations, fuel cells are poised become a leading power source across the globe.

1 Français sur 3 réfractaire au prospectus papier

La dernière étude Bonial et OpinionWay évalue la pénétration du prospectus papier et la réaction des Français vis-à-vis de ce média puissant pour les distributeurs.

Comment choisir sa solution d’emailing ?

Responsive design, drag and drop… Pour choisir son outil de gestion des campagnes marketing, il est indispensable de bien connaître le marché, prône le cabinet Florence Consultant, qui dresse un panorama international des solutions d’emailing.

[Sponsoring] Weleda fait équipe avec les sportifs

La marque spécialisée dans les produits cosmétiques Weleda a décidé d’investir dans le sponsoring sportif en montant son ” team ” d’athlètes. Composée de dix membres, celui-ci aura pour objectif de promouvoir les produits de l’entreprise à travers des activations … Continue reading

Conférence: construire sa réputation et réussir son développement commercial B to B

Comment conquérir de nouveaux clients, développer ses comptes actifs et son image ? Trois enjeux auxquels s’intéresseront les participants à la conférence de l’agence Quatre Vents.

NASA joins the 4k party with an Ultra HD channel of its own

If you’re interested in astronomy and space exploration, you now have a good excuse to invest in a 4k television. NASA announced on Friday the upcoming launch of NASA TV UHD, a new TV network that the space agency calls “the … Continue reading

Primed for pigskin: How to watch NFL football anywhere and on any device

In its way, the NFL pioneered sports broadcasting. It wasn’t the first professional sport league in the US to take advantage of the tube—Major League Baseball beat it to both network and cable television—but it always maximized the medium better … Continue reading

AMD headquarters

AMD rumors: Zen may slip to Q4 2016, Microsoft still interested in acquiring the company

A new report indicates AMD’s next-generation CPU might not be ready until the end of 2016, and that could be a real problem for the CPU company.

Hominim Homo Naledi

New species of human lineage discovered — but did they really bury their dead?

Deep within the Dinaledi chamber of the Rising Star cave in South Africa, a mysterious cache of over 1,000 bones corresponding to some 15 or so ancient hominins was found. Scientists are now calling it the first evidence of hominin … Continue reading

china moon head

China is headed to the far side of the moon

The next step in China’s fast-paced march to space will be an ambitious lander aimed at the far (not dark!) side of the Moon.