
Save the Date : Marketing with Mums revient le 1e octobre

Le marketing de la famille retrouve son événement le 1e octobre prochain avec la deuxième édition de la journée Marketing with Mums. Programme.

Best-of : 5 tendances clés du marketing digital en 2015

La rédaction a sélectionné pour vous cinq tendances fortes du marketing digital, en 2015. Au programme : DMP, Mooc, CDO ou, encore, réseaux sociaux.

[Retailoscope] Les Docks Marseille, un nouveau concept commercial

Les Docks Marseille, centre “de vie urbain” et non centre commercial, ouvriront leurs portes en octobre prochain dans le quartier de La Joliette, en pleine gentrification. Ils compléteront Les Terrasses du Port situées juste en face.

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Zero-day exploit lets hackers remotely force cars off the road

An exclusive investigation by Wired has revealed the most powerful car hack yet, one that could leave thousands of Jeep Cherokee drivers seriously vulnerable.


New antibody fights several flu strains at once, could make flu shot obsolete

A newly discovered antibody could revolutionize flu vaccine research. The yearly shot might be a thing of the past.


Google blacklisting uTorrent over third-party software bundling, report says

Google Chrome’s latest update may block uTorrent downloads in some cases, and flags related pages with spyware warnings.

App Store, Apple Music, iTunes, Apple TV, Beats 1 and other iCloud services were struggling for over 3 hours

On Tuesday morning, several of Apple’s iCloud services—including the App Store, Apple TV and Beats 1—went down for a number of users. The outages started before 7 a.m. Pacific time and went well until past 10. The technical issues affected … Continue reading


SpaceX blames Falcon 9 rocket launch failure on faulty strut

Elon Musk has revealed that a broken strut doomed the Falcon 9 launch last month. What’s odd is that the strut broke at a point far below its design tolerance.


New EyeControl device delivers eye tracking anyone can use

A group of engineers from Tel Aviv has recently built an inexpensive wearable that tracks the pupil and translates blinks and movements into commands. Their infrared camera mounts unobtrusively below the eye and does not interfere with normal vision.

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Philae goes dark again, just as comet starts coming apart in the Sun

Comet 67P is nearing the most active part of its orbit around the Sun — perhaps the worst possible time for it to suffer a communications blackout.