
Hook promises to make smart homes out of dumb power switches for less than $100

By moving remote-controlled outlet and light bulb switches onto a local Wi-Fi network, Hook promises to enable a smart home for under $100. The new Kickstarter project taps into cheap light bulb socket caps and outlet switches that are already … Continue reading


The LG G4 is a leather-clad smartphone with a curved frame and a focus on photography

The LG G4 is curvier and more focused on taking pictures than last year’s LG flagship, but can it stand up to the competition?

The Qualcomm Snapdragon SoC, with its dragon mascot

Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 808: The SoC inside LG’s new G4

LG’s G4 debuts today, alongside the Snapdragon 808 SoC from Qualcomm. Does this new chip avoid the thermal issues that have ensnared its bigger brother?


Did TSMC’s 20nm process harm Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 810?

There’s a rumor going around that troubles at TSMC are to blame for Qualcomm’s thermal woes. Is there any truth to them? We investigate.

Lenovo Yoga 3

ET deals: Lenovo Yoga 3 11.6-inch 1080p Ultrabook for $699

Need a lightweight laptop? Check out this Yoga 3 convertible Ultrabook from Lenovo. If you’re a habitual traveler, this tiny laptop is the perfect solution. With plenty of battery life, loads of RAM, and a respectable flash drive, you don’t … Continue reading

ESO exoplanet spectrum

Exoplanet’s visible light spectrum measured for the first time

The spectrum measurement was courtesy of the HARPS planet-hunting machine and ESO’s La Silla Observatory 3.6-meter telescope in Chile.

Graphene nanogaps

Researchers create smallest gaps ever in nanostructures using graphene

Structures with these atomic-sized gaps could be used to detect single molecules associated with certain diseases, and could be key to developing smaller and faster electronics than ever before.

Luxury & Innovation Summit 2015

Objectifs de ces deux journées dédiées aux marques de luxe : innover et créer de la valeur, avec un programme de conférences, une approche multi-sectorielle et la soirée networking. Les 9 et 10 juillet 2015 à Paris, Maison de la … Continue reading

[Atelier] Comment créer un packaging de luxe ?

La montée en gamme d’un produit s’accompagne nécessairement d’une évolution du packaging. Le flacon importe pour qu’il y ait l’ivresse ! Conseils et astuces pour bien s’y prendre.

La Caisse d’Épargne ou la stratégie sponsoring tous azimuts

Après le ski, un team d’athlètes et le basket, la Caisse d’Épargne est depuis le 1er janvier partenaire des équipes de France de handball. La banque investit plusieurs disciplines sans peur de se disperser, grâce à une stratégie réfléchie et … Continue reading