Investor Relations (IR) Services

InvestorsNewsDesk.Com provides target advertising and/or exposure of small cap companies, Pinksheets or OTCBB stocks to investors who are hungry to invest in potential companies that will bring return of investments. We do this through company profiling, press releases distributions services and writes ups.

Company Profile
InvestorsNewsDesk.Com will project your company image with a company profile that contains the following information: the overview of the company, strategies, in depth product information, company news, SEC Filings, stock quote, technical analysis, and management bios with audio or videos.

Each company that is profiled is submitted to hundreds of stock market news sites, social media and RSS feeds. The same profile is featured on InvestorsNewsDesk.Com. Each profile can contain videos clips, images, logos, charts – all these can be embedded in profiles published and distributed.

Press Release Distribution
InvestorsNewsDesk.Com accepts press releases from public companies including OTCBB or Pinksheets. These press releases are distributed through and published on stock market or financial sections of major news sites, blogs, social media networks and RSS feeds.

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