Author Archives: admin

MOSCOW | The Latest: Russia blames Ukraine for clashes at sea

MOSCOW | The Latest: Russia blames Ukraine for clashes at sea

MOSCOW— The Latest on Russian-Ukrainian naval tensions near Crimea (all times local): 11:30 p.m. The Russian Federal Security Service says that it has evidence that Ukraine is responsible for clashes between Russian and Ukrainian ships in the Black Sea. The … Continue reading

Un puissant séisme frappe l’ouest de l’Iran, 260 blessés

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 6,4 a frappé dimanche la province de Kermanshah dans l’ouest de l’Iran, a annoncé l’Institut de géophysique iranien, et 260 personnes ont été blessées, selon les autorités locales. L’épicentre du séisme a été localisé à … Continue reading

Mer d’Azov: Kiev acuse Moscou d’avoir capturé trois de ses navires après leur avoir tiré dessus

La marine ukrainienne a accusé dimanche la Russie de s’être emparée de trois de ses navires, après leur avoir tiré dessus, blessant deux personnes à bord, dans le détroit de Kertch, séparant la Crimée de la Russie et marquant l’accès … Continue reading

Carlos Ghosn nie les accusations qui le visent, selon la chaîne NHK

L’ex-patron du groupe Renault-Nissan Carlos Ghosn nie toute dissimulation de revenus et les malversations dont il est accusé, a affirmé dimanche la chaîne de télévision publique japonaise NHK. Le Franco-Libano-Brésilien, qui est resté formellement PDG de Renault, ne s’était pas … Continue reading

KAMPALA, Uganda | 29 drown in capsized boat in Uganda, toll expected to rise

KAMPALA, Uganda | 29 drown in capsized boat in Uganda, toll expected to rise

KAMPALA, Uganda— Uganda police say 29 people died when a boat capsized in Lake Victoria near the capital, Kampala. Senior police officer Zurah Ganyana said rescue teams are retrieving bodies from the boat that overturned and sank Saturday night. She … Continue reading

Cameroun : Arraché par les militaires français en 1925, le siège du 11ème roi des Bamouns en voie de restitution en 2019

Le Mfon (titre de noblesse qui signifie littéralement roi) Mbouombouo règne au 18e siècle (1757 – 1814) après qu'il a succédé au roi Kouotou. Il rentre dans les légendes de guerre Bamoun après avoir combattu et vaincu trois peuples (Mapou, … Continue reading

Dolphins QB Tannehill back under center in trip to Indy

Dolphins QB Tannehill back under center in trip to Indy

Dolphins quarterback Ryan Tannehill is expected to make his first start in six games because of an injured throwing shoulder when Miami visits the Indianapolis Colts. Tannehill will be without tight end A.J. Derby, who will miss his sixth game … Continue reading

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina | Boca-River Copa Libertadores final postponed after attack

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina | Boca-River Copa Libertadores final postponed after attack

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina— The Copa Libertadores final between fierce Argentine rivals Boca Juniors and River Plate was postponed Sunday in a major embarrassment for South American football, a day after Boca players were injured in an attack by River fans. … Continue reading

The Latest: Titans downgrade Taylor to out vs Houston

The Latest: Titans downgrade Taylor to out vs Houston

The Latest on Week 12 in the NFL (all times EDT): 4:25 p.m. Rookie quarterbacks ruled the early games in Week 12 as Lamar Jackson had two touchdowns to lead Baltimore past Oakland, Baker Mayfield threw for four TDs in … Continue reading

JACKSON, Miss. | Dem contrasts ‘diversity’ with GOP senator in Mississippi

JACKSON, Miss. | Dem contrasts ‘diversity’ with GOP senator in Mississippi

JACKSON, Miss. — A Democrat running for U.S. Senate in Mississippi says he would bring experience of “diversity” and “inclusion” to the job, and he thinks the Republican he’s trying to unseat has a background lacking in those qualities. Democrat … Continue reading