Author Archives: admin

GENEVA  | UN rights chief warns UN could ‘collapse’ without change

GENEVA  | UN rights chief warns UN could ‘collapse’ without change

GENEVA  — The outgoing U.N. human rights chief says the Security Council’s five permanent members wield too much power at the United Nations, warning the world body could “collapse” if that doesn’t change. Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein decried the sense among … Continue reading

ISTANBUL | 2 detained after shots are fired at US Embassy in Turkey

ISTANBUL | 2 detained after shots are fired at US Embassy in Turkey

ISTANBUL  — Shots were fired from a moving car at the U.S. Embassy in Turkey before dawn Monday, an attack that came during heightened tensions between the two NATO allies. Officials said two people with criminal records were detained. There … Continue reading

BIRMINGHAM, Ala | Project documents hidden history of LGBTQ life in the South

BIRMINGHAM, Ala | Project documents hidden history of LGBTQ life in the South

BIRMINGHAM, Ala— A new project is documenting a once-hidden history of LGBTQ people in the Deep South, with donors providing troves of information and items on gay life, systemic oppression and activism. Historian and archivist Joshua Burford said the goal … Continue reading

Stanford Optical Electrical Hybrid Camera

Stanford Researchers Build AI Directly Into Camera Optics

As AI in the form of deep neural networks infiltrates nearly every portion of our lives, there is a mad scramble to make the systems that run these algorithms more efficient. Custom silicon is one way; resistive computing is another. … Continue reading

OKLAHOMA CITY | Pilot suspended over threat to Oklahoma transgender student

OKLAHOMA CITY | Pilot suspended over threat to Oklahoma transgender student

OKLAHOMA CITY — Frontier Airlines says it has suspended a pilot accused of threatening on Facebook to harm a 12-year-old transgender girl for using the girls bathroom at her Oklahoma school. Frontier spokesman Jonathan Freed said in a statement Monday … Continue reading

SALT LAKE CITY | David Cross show on at Utah college after ‘offensive’ tweet

SALT LAKE CITY | David Cross show on at Utah college after ‘offensive’ tweet

SALT LAKE CITY — The University of Utah says a tweet from comedian David Cross showing him wearing undergarments sacred to the Mormon faith was “deeply offensive.” College president Ruth Watkins issued a statement Sunday about the tweet, says she … Continue reading

Auschwitz: la responsabilité allemande « ne finira jamais »

Le camp nazi d’Auschwitz-Birkenau est « l’endroit le pire au monde » et la responsabilité des Allemands, qui l’ont créé, « ne finira jamais », a estimé lundi sur place le chef de la diplomatie allemande Heiko Maas. « J’étais maintenant dans la chambre à … Continue reading

Venezuela: nouveaux billets, entre scepticisme et tensions migratoires

Avec cinq zéros en moins, les nouveaux billets vénézuéliens entrent en vigueur lundi, première étape d’un plan de relance du président Nicolas Maduro qui tente de faire face à une profonde crise économique qui pousse des millions de personnes à … Continue reading

La Grèce tourne la page des plans d’aide, pas encore celle de l’austérité

La Grèce émerge officiellement lundi du troisième des plans d’aide aussi stricts qu’impopulaires sous lesquels elle vivait depuis 2010, sans pour autant en avoir tout à fait terminé avec l’austérité et les réformes. “Pour la première fois depuis début 2010 … Continue reading

MADISON, Wis | Wisconsin WR Cephus takes leave from team, expects charges

MADISON, Wis | Wisconsin WR Cephus takes leave from team, expects charges

MADISON, Wis — Wisconsin wide receiver Quintez Cephus says he is taking a leave of absence from the team because he believes prosecutors intend to file criminal charges against him for an incident in April involving what he calls a … Continue reading