Author Archives: admin


Cameroun:Chasse aux faux journalistes dans le Sud.

Reconduite lundi dernier, la déléguée régionale de la communication du Sud veut assainir la profession. Sud. C’était sa première réaction à chaud, mardi, 09 septembre 2014, à la suite de son maintien comme délégué régional de la communication du Sud. … Continue reading


USA: Pourquoi le retour définitif au Cameroun et l’annonce de la candidature de Corantin Talla à la présidentielle prochaine fait-elle peur au Cameroun?

Depuis l'annonce de la candidature à la présidentielle prochaine au Cameroun de Corantin Talla alias général Schwarzkopf, Leader-fondateur du Parlement des Etudiants Camerounais, président de Conscience du Cameroun, et coordonnateur du front uni de la diaspora pour l’alternance en 2018, … Continue reading

WHO Warns Against Water-Pipe Smoking

[Cameroon Tribune]In several neighbourhoods of the capital city, Yaounde, youth these days are often seen in a growing number of pubs, smoking from tubes connected to an unusual type of designed “jar” containing flavoured tobacco and water.

SW Governor Sizes Up School Resumption Effectiveness

[Cameroon Tribune]The Governor of the South West Region, Bernard Okalia Bilai, has rated the resumption of classes in the South West as not being very effective in some schools while in some other schools it was ineffective.

Baworo Destruction Incident – Government Offers FCFA 27 Million to Victims

[Cameroon Tribune]The border area of Baworo and neighbourhoods of Efong, Badu, Ambu, Okenake and Banjini in Menchum Valley Subdivision, Menchum Division of the North West Region, spent September 9, 2014, hailing the government for generosity and concern.

"Honey Fetches FCFA 30-40 Million to Oku Annually"

[Cameroon Tribune]Oku -Bang George, Manager Oku Honey Cooperatives, talks on the path the product has covered since certification by OAPI, its huddles and prospects.

Mbalmayo Youths Acquire New Skills

[Cameroon Tribune]A four-day forum on youth empowerment ended in Mbalmayo in the Centre Region on Friday September 5, 2014. Speaking at occasion, the Representative of the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Civic Education, Naisair Nguend said government policy in the … Continue reading

Oku White Honey – the Fruits of Certification

[Cameroon Tribune]Oku -The product now employs about 3,200 people fetching between FCFA 30-40 million annually into the economy of the Sub-division.

Biya 30

Cameroun : Le Cameroun avec Paul Biya sous le poids de la malédiction Aujoulatiste

S'il y a un homme que Mongo Beti, a le plus détesté et combattu sa vie durant, c'est bien Louis Paul Aujoulat. Mongo Beti lui en voulait surtout pour son action à l'émergence d'une élite politique post coloniale, qui n'avait … Continue reading

My watch collection----One for every purpose

I want a smarter watch, not a smartwatch

Lost in the cavalcade of so-called Smartwatches is what a watch is really for — a way to help you keep track of time and time-related activities. Let’s hope someone comes up with a smarter watch instead.