Author Archives: admin

Bamenda Archdiocese Celebrates 100 Years of Evangelization

[Cameroon Tribune]Senator Achidi Achu, Head of State’s Representative prominent at peak celebrations and closing of year of evangelization.

German MPs Meet Prime Minister

[Cameroon Tribune]The delegation discussed cooperation between the two countries.

German Parliament Seeks Closer Cooperation

[Cameroon Tribune]Senate President Niat Njifenji yesterday had discussions with the Vice President of the German Parliament.

Pixie is the smart TV ticker you’ll actually like, especially during the World Cup

World Cup fever has gripped our office, and as I type this, a half-dozen of my coworkers are glued to all the action on our lounge’s big-screen TV, with open laptops in their laps so it looks like they’re working. … Continue reading

Who needs iOS 8? Four time-lapse apps you can use today

You don’t have to wait until September to play with iOS 8′s time-lapse mode on your iPhone or iPad. Here are four great third-party apps you can pick up on the App Store.

Mondial 2014: L’algérie s’essoufle contre la Belgique 1-2

Fellaini et Mertens sauvent les Diables (2-1) Sofiane Feghouli, des Fennecs d’Algérie, ouvre le score sur penalty contre les diables rouges de Belgique. Les poulains d’Halillozic se sont essouflés en deuxième période. (credit photo: Dans le premier match du … Continue reading

YouTube poised to block indie musicians over subscription service dispute

YouTube users who like watching videos from indie label artists such as Adele, Arctic Monkeys, and Radiohead could soon lose access to their videos on the Google-owned site, thanks to a copyright fight between the indies and the video-sharing service. … Continue reading


ET deals: $150 Lenovo F800 1TB wireless storage, $194 WD My Cloud EX2

With the cost per GB falling steadily, storage devices have more to offer than simply capacity. With large discounts going right now, the Lenovo F800 and WD My Cloud both offer intriguing options for easy, wireless, and powerful storage.

Cocoa, Coffee Treatment Launched

[Cameroon Tribune]Minister Essimi Menye on June 12, 2014, handed over fungicides and spraying equipment worth FCFA 177 million to South West farmers.

Journalists Acquire Innovative Financing Tools

[Cameroon Tribune]Members of “Presse Eco” on June 12, 2014, sharpened skills on the mechanisms of raising funds from the capital market.