Author Archives: admin

Les services du PM ajustent les feuilles de route

Tous les départements ministériels ont fait parvenir leurs projets à bonne date à l’Immeuble Etoile.  

La lèpre resurgit au Cameroun

Pour la journée mondiale ce dimanche, le gouvernement relance la mobilisation contre cette maladie.

Déjà une demi dizaine de quarts de finaliste pour la Can 2012

La Cote d’ivoire, la Tunisie et les deux pays organisateurs ont remporté chacun les deux premières rencontres.

GICAM paves new path of cooperation

The newly-elected bureau of the Cameroon Employers’ Organization,  ( GICAM), has paid an official visit to the Minister of the Economy, Planning and Regional Development, Emmanuel Nganou Djoumessi.

Mother and child; a Public Health priority in 2012

The Ministry of Public Health will focus on mother and child health, the sustained fight against epidemics and improving the working conditions of its staff in 2012.

Tidbits on the good the bad and the ugly

Vanessa in search of her stolen baby / Car crash kills two and injures many / German  colonial bridge rehabilitated / Handicraft exhibition pulls crowd

Finance: Alamine Ousmane Mey on the path of reforms

The Minister of Finance, Alamine Ousmane Mey  has chaired commemorative activities marking The World Custom’s Day.

Prime Minister reiterates, the time for action is now

Cabinet members were  at the Prime Minister’s office to attended the monthly cabinet meeting chaired by the Head of Government, Philemon Yang.

Animal and fish promotion

The Minister of Livestock Fisheries and Animal Industries, Dr Taiga has announced a number of actions taken by government to revamp the fishing sector in Cameroon.