PMQs disaster leaves Labour wondering about Ed Miliband’s future – Daily Telegraph Blogs
From Ed Balls and Yvette Cooper on the front bench, to the farthest reaches of the backbenches, Labour members must now be worrying about their leader and his capacity to turn the tables on Mr Cameron. The Indy’s ComRes poll … Continue reading
David Cameron was right to protect one of our biggest revenue earners – The Guardian
David Cameron last week must have felt a little like one of Mr Hobson’s customers. The Merkozy choice was no choice at all. Britain is massively indebted. According to government figures, the UK is expected to borrow an additional £800bn … Continue reading
Netters enjoy feast of court fare – Sun Sentinel
Originally from Cameroon, Jeukeng is home-schooled and coached by her … “I like the exercise,” said Prudden, who lost in the finals of the Men’s 55-Over Division to Cooper City’s Joe Rasgado, 6-2, 6-3. “It recharges my battery.”
Cooper Cos Shares Climbing Higher, Up 18.2% – Financial News Network Online
The day rate for work offshore Cameroon will be approximately $134,000, with contract commencement expected in May 2012 in direct…
Sheriff: Copper, air conditioner thefts statewide problem – Suwannee Democrat
Live Oak — Suwannee County is not alone in the battle against theft of metals such as copper and air conditioner parts. Suwannee County Sheriff Tony Cameron said it’s a statewide problem. “The allure is the price for the metals. … Continue reading
Beautifully Handcrafted Gifts, Completely Affordable Pricing: Ten Thousand Villages Is This Year’s Go-To Store For Holiday Shoppers –
There is an entire jewelry-filled wall with silver, gold, copper, glass and porcelain beading … New for this season you’ll find pottery from Cameroon, clustered bronze ceramic beaded jewelry from Kenya, and silk and wool blend scarves …
Global campaign to decriminalise homosexuality to kick off in Belize court – The Guardian
In some like Uganda, Kenya, Cameroon and Ghana the laws are seen by some as justification … Criminalising homosexuality is illegal under international law, according to Jonathan Cooper, a human rights barrister who is the trust’s chief executive.
Cheaper copper lifts Elsewedy’s bottom line [National, The (United Arab Emirates)] – TMCnet
“Working investment savings for the copper cable business could amount to as much as … with more than 70 per cent of it from Cameroon, Zambia, and Ghana in power generation, transmission and distribution projects.
Cameroon : Dave Nyake passes on –
He received a Silver and Copper medal for his duties at the CRTV last July. His widow, Poline Nyake, said; “Before he died he had become a full Christian with a changed life.”
Villanova-bound duo set for signing day – Philadelphia Daily News
His parents, Hassan and Elizabeth, are from Nigeria and Cameroon, respectively … His trip to Stanford will be his fifth and final official visit. Kahleah Copper, a quick and high-leaping guard for Prep Charter, is deciding among DePaul …