Sustainable Economic Growth: is Income Equality the Answer? – International Business Times
Sustained growth is what separates a South Korea (which saw GDP per capital rise from $155 to $20,757 in 50 years) from a Cameroon (which saw a 17 … foreign direct investment, exchange rate competitiveness and external debt.
Knowledge Experts Gather in Yaoundé to Discuss the Role of the Knowledge Economy on Africa’s Ability to Address Key Development Challenges –
Dr. Léautier also highlighted ACBF’s investment in Cameroon. Since 1992, ACBF has contributed a total of USD18.4 million to capacity development interventions in Cameroon. USD8.7 million of that total has been invested in national projects and USD9.7 …
UK seeking $80 billion infrastructure boost – report – YAHOO!
It said the government was discussing how to create an investment vehicle for private cash that did … snuffing out a nascent economic recovery. YAOUNDE (Reuters) – Cameroon’s government will issue 50 billion CFA francs in … Full Story »Cameroon … Continue reading