Cameroon Empowers Youth to Plant Trees

Launching of tree planting project in Buea, South West Region, under the sponsorship of the Minister of Youth Affairs and Civic Education

By Sally Oneke

Secretary General at the Governor’s office, Mr Quetong Anderson Handing Trees to the Youths

Secretary General at the Governor’s office, Mr Quetong Anderson Handing Trees to the Youths

Cameroon has launched a tree planting exercise. The tree planting activity got its kick off nation wide at various regional headquarters under the sponsorship of the Ministry of Youth and Civic Education.

With the growing population of Cameroon and the world at large, the demand for wood is high, thus a high risk for desertification and consequently the depredation of the ozone layer and resulting climate change.

Youth at the tree planting event in Buea, Cameroon

It is, therefore, a worry to the Ministry of Youth and Civic Education in Cameroon. As such, the ministry also saw this as a reason to empower and educate the youths on the importance of tree planting. The youths were made to understand their civic responsibility to plant trees by the slogan “cut a tree and plant ten others.” The youths were also given educative talks on the effects of neglecting the aspect of planting trees.

In Buea, South West Region of Cameroon, the symbolic planting of a tree was done by Sec General at the Governor’s office, Mr Quetong Anderson who represented the governor.  Mr Quetong declared the occasion launched and went further to hand over the nursed trees and seedlings to some schools in  Buea.

Speaking to the press, Mr Quetong Anderson said “Cameroon is amongst the world’s richest in ecosystem and biodiversity and there is a huge consumption, thus the need to replenish.” He went further to explain that subsequently the operation “TREE PLANTING” will be at all levels of various Divisions and Sub Divisions.

Report and photography by Sally Oneke

Oneke Nchor,

Sally Oneke,

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