
YourMD Your.MD

Artificial intelligence goes head to head against an unlikely target — your family doctor

New startup uses artificial intelligence to improve self-diagnosis and may soon eliminate the family doctor.


Samsung is reportedly working on an 11K screen, claims it can create 3D illusions

Samsung says it wants to build high-resolution displays up to and including an insane 11K. Will we ever have a use for such technology?

Windows 10

Microsoft planning giant Windows 10 launch July 29 even though you probably can’t get it

Microsoft is planning some Windows 10 shindigs to take you mind off things until you can upgrade to Windows 10.

Exoplanets - NASA JPL Caltech

The ingredients for Earth-like planets are present throughout our galaxy

It turns out Earth-like planets are three times more likely to have the same minerals as Earth than previously expected — and that the minerals are found throughout our galaxy.

Comcast reveals Stream, a $15 online TV package for Internet-only subscribers

Comcast is adding another service to its quiver as the cable giant aims to appeal to cord-cutters and remain competitive with emerging online services. On Sunday, Comcast announced Stream, a $15 monthly add-on for Xfinity Internet subscribers that gives them access to live … Continue reading


China’s Tianhe-2 still the fastest supercomputer in the world, but the US is catching up

The results are in, and they’re not a huge surprise: For the fifth consecutive time, China’s Tianhe-2 remains the fastest supercomputer in the world, with the US bringing up the second and third spots.

Zoom sur les tendances créatives d’aujourd’hui

En remontant leurs données de ventes et celles des mots clés tapés dans leur moteur de recherche, les banques d’images sont capables de dresser un bilan des tendances visuelles. Moins de stéréotypes, plus d’humain et d’authenticité… voilà les vraies valeurs … Continue reading

10 leaders du marketing à suivre sur Twitter

La rédaction a sélectionné pour vous les dix personnalités anglo-saxonnes incontournables du moment, qui ont révolutionné l’univers du marketing.

Comment la DMP unifie les parcours d’achat

La DMP oeuvre au déploiement d’une stratégie omnicommerce, sans rupture de canal, du site Internet à la boutique, en passant par le mobile.

[Tendance] Transparence, un enjeu de confiance

Un mot, une tendance, huit images : tous les mois, l’agence InnovativeWay by OpinionWay analyse un grand courant social et ses répercussions sur le marketing.