
Wait marketing : attendre, non merci !

Les temps “creux” sont les grands oubliés des marques. L’équipe Human Experience Strategist de Starcom Mediavest Group a pris le temps de décrypter les stratégies pour installer un Wait Marketing malin.

Pulco publie le post Facebook le plus lent du monde

La marque a mis sept jours à publier un post sur sa page Facebook pour illustrer sa dernière campagne.

Le big data enrichit l’expérience des fans

Dans le sport également, le big data fait sa révolution et favorise l’engagement par la personnalisation des messages.

FTC ponders App Store’s 30% take from streaming rivals after Apple Music launch

If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance that you already know that Apple takes a 30-percent cut of all purchases made through the App Store and in-app purchases. While that setup has worked out reasonably well for both Apple … Continue reading

galaxy growth head

Huge black hole challenges theories of galactic evolution

A newly discovered black hole makes up about 10% of its host galaxy, a fact that has cosmologists scratching their heads.

Cinema Paradiso

Nine of the best movies of all time, now streaming on Netflix and other services

Sadly, this is my last streaming-movie column for TechHive. So rather than going out with a batch of new releases that will be quickly forgotten, I thought I’d share a batch of my all-time favorite films that are available for … Continue reading

Amazon Fling is the Fire TV’s answer to Chromecast

Fire TV users could soon have similar functionality to Google’s Chromecast dongle with a new feature called Amazon Fling. Fling aims to turn existing iOS and Android apps into remote controls for Amazon’s streaming stick and set-top box. As long … Continue reading


The New Google Trends: Both an amazing research tool and amusing rabbit hole

Google’s new Trends option offers substantially more detail than the old version. It’s worth a stroll, if you’re looking for information on a particular topic.


The new Google Trends: An amazing research tool and amusing rabbit hole

Google’s new Trends option offers substantially more detail than the old version. It’s worth a stroll, if you’re looking for information on a particular topic.

Artificial muscle made from bacteria in two humidity conditions

Evaporation engines using artificial muscles made from bacteria

A team of engineers has created a new type of engine that can exploit one of the most common processes on our water-soaked world — evaporation.