Materialism Is An Issue In The Church – Mgr. Bushu

Cross section of the Deacons to be ordained Priests at the Ordination Mass at the Regina Pacis Cathedral Premises, Small Soppo, Buea

Cross section of the Deacons to be ordained Priests at the Ordination Mass at the Regina Pacis Cathedral Premises, Small Soppo, Buea

Cross section of the Deacons to be ordained Priests at the Ordination Mass at the Regina Pacis Cathedral Premises, Small Soppo, Buea

The eleven new Priests ordained at the Regina Pacis Cathedral, Small Soppo, Buea, include; Rev. Frs Herbert Niba, Kevin Sakwe, Joseph Ngome, Marcel Ekang, John Baba, Ernest Epan Mungu, Michael Mbunwir, Jude Visoh, Richard Tah, Franҫois Xavier Effa and Killian Agbor.

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