The CEO of United Bank of Africa- UBA- Tony Elumelu, say Cameroon is Africa’s best-kept secrets based on its potentials


Cameroon’s capabilities of attracting business investors is one among the many items sidelined in the first ever International Investment Forum hosted by Cameroon last week at the Yaounde Conference Centre.

The country has been referred by many as one of Africa’s best-kept secrets based on its agriculture, fishery, mining hydro-electric resources; Topography, soils and climatic conditions.

The same tributes were highlighted by key speakers of the conference such as President Paul Biya and the Chief Executive Officer of  the United Bank of Africa- UBA- Tony Elumelu.{loadposition myposition}

The Lom Pangar Hydro Electric dam (second world largest dam); the Menchum Falls, the Beta Oyare gold mine in the East Region, the Equatorial forest, the 50 km tarred roads, are few among the many potentials worthy of attracting business investors to Cameroon.

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