Author Archives: admin

The custom Department: an example to emulate

The custom department is making good on its promise to weed out corrupt practices and increase revenue for the state. The department has created a special telephone line where victims of custom fraud can be given an ear.

Updates from national defence force

African Union stand-by force strengthen skills / BIR at the service of all

International widows day: widow give chilling accounts

The second edition of the International widows day has been commemorated in Cameroon. The second edition was commemorated under the theme “The Rights of Widows”

Updates from the regions ; East, North West and Litoral

East, North West and Litoral

Bishop Befe Ateba of NCC call for order

The National Communication Council is a consultative body placed under the authority of the Prime Minister with the key mission to assist the authorities in the elaboration, implementation and follow up of the national policy on communication.

MBALLAM Iron ore: more money for a promising project

Sundance Resources, the Australian company that mothers the Mbalam iron ore project has injected CFA 20.8 billion for the first stage of the project.

Paul BIYA : « je n’ai pas à commenter les commentaires. ».

Ces paroles du Chef de l’Etat Camerounais prononcées au cours d’une interview exclusive accordée au Directeur de l’information TV Charles NDONGO, lors de la pose de la première pierre du barrage hydro-électrique de Memve’ele dans la localité de Nyabizan,  ont … Continue reading

Le Marché de Mokolo ré-ouvre ses portes jeudi…

L’un des plus grands marchés du Cameroun, voire d’Afrique Centrale, sera à nouveau ouvert le jeudi  28 juin 2012, après une fermeture due aux émeutes qui ont causé des dégats, il y a quelques jours.