
Quelles sont les nouvelles professions du marketing ?

Bousculé par la révolution numérique, les professions du marketing s’adaptent, changent, disparaissent au profit de nouvelles compétences. Analyse et décryptage d’un secteur en pleine mutation.

Six fablabs français très prometteurs

Les fablabs, concept d’atelier de conception et de prototypage ouvert à tous et inventé par un professeur du MIT, ont tardé à s’implanter en France. Les entreprises y voient désormais un moyen d’innover et de concevoir leurs produits à moindre … Continue reading

HBO Now may already have 1 million subscribers, according to one analyst

When premium cable network HBO officially unveiled its standalone over-the-top service HBO Now in March, it appeared as if the pay-TV industry’s worst nightmare had just come true. Many pundits immediately saw in it an almost unprecedented destructive potential vis-à-vis … Continue reading


Report claims Warner Bros knew exactly how terrible Arkham Knight for PC was, months before it shipped

According to sources, Rocksteady and WB Interactive were fully aware of the problems in Arkham Knight — and knew for months.

Vandals sever another Internet backbone cable in California

Someone hacked through yet another fiber optic cable in the San Francisco Bay area early Tuesday morning, continuing a rash of incidents that have disrupted Internet traffic and vexed law enforcement officials. The latest attack occurred at around 4.30 am … Continue reading

Sears opens new high-tech home showroom as it goes all-in on connected homes

If you’re still looking for proof that the connected home is going mainstream, consider that Sears—one of the nation’s oldest and largest retailers—just opened a 4000-square-foot store-within-a-store staffed by personnel trained to demonstrate nearly every component you’d need to build … Continue reading


Apple music debuts – Is it the ultimate music service?

Apple’s new Music Store has debuted with iOS 8.4. Will you try it out for three months, switch from Spotify, or is it just another streaming company in a crowded playing field?

What’s new in iTunes 12.2

Apple released iTunes 12.2 yesterday, along with updates to iOS and OS X. The marquee feature in the new version of iTunes, as well as iOS 8.4, is Apple Music. But there’s more to iTunes 12.2 than just Apple Music … Continue reading

‘Cloud tax’ jacks up Netflix bills in Chicago

The city of Chicago is enforcing a new and unprecedented tax on cloud services, possibly raising the cost of Netflix, Spotify, and other forms of streaming entertainment for residents. As The Verge reports, the so-called “cloud tax” went into effect … Continue reading


Light emitting glasses herald new era for insomnia treatment

A new type of light emitting glasses are shaking things up for the treatment of insomnia. Expect more health wearables to come.