
Quelles sont les attentes des consommateurs pour leur expérience numérique avec les marques ?

Onepoint dévoile les 3 enseignements clés de l’Expérience Digitale en 2023, qui dévoile les attentes des consommateurs en matière d’interactions digitales avec les marques.

Transavia, Scream VI, VisitBrain… Les 5 campagnes de la semaine (13-17 mars)

Au menu des 5 campagnes cette semaine : McDonald’s célèbre les p’tits plaisirs face aux p’tits soucis, Transavia lance le challenge #AirplaneCelebration, Coca-Cola anime les oeuvres d’art…

Communiquez efficacement grâce aux objets publicitaires

Que ce soit auprès de vos clients, vos partenaires ou de vos propres collaborateurs, l’objet publicitaire permet de faire passer un message efficacement. Transmission de valeurs, visibilité, lancement d’un événement : à chaque situation correspond une occasion de faire la … Continue reading

The Water in Our Solar System May Be Billions of Years Older Than the Sun

Scientists have learned a great deal about how our solar system was born, but there are some things you can’t discern from studying the sun and planets as they exist today. In those cases, astronomers can look for younger sun-like … Continue reading

FuboTV DVR menu

FuboTV review: Lots of sports, lots of caveats

At a Glance Expert’s Rating Pros Better regional sports coverage than most streaming services. Well-designed app with unique features, especially on Apple TV. Generous DVR storage with no time limits Cons Lack of TNT and TBS leaves big holes in … Continue reading

YouTube TV -- Best TV streaming service overall

Best live TV streaming service: YouTube TV vs Sling TV vs Hulu + Live TV and the rest

As cord-cutting becomes more popular, TV networks have responded by bringing their popular cable channels to the internet. That means you no longer need an expensive satellite or cable TV service to watch local news, sports, and your favorite shows … Continue reading

This Week in Space: Scrubs, Sunbeams, and Starlink

Hello, readers, and welcome to This Week in Space. Arianespace’s Vega-C rocket made an unplanned aquabraking maneuver in December, crashing into the ocean and destroying the vehicle and its payload satellites. Now, ESA officials report that they know why. Alas, … Continue reading

Meta May Take on Twitter with Decentralized, Text-Based Social Network

Ever since Elon Musk bought Twitter, there’s been a lot of chatter on the platform about one specific topic: where to go when Twitter dies. That’s primarily due to his decision to fire most of the staff, an ongoing theme … Continue reading

Backblaze Publishes Lifetime Failure Rates for SSDs

(Credit: Backblaze)Cloud backup company Backblaze has become well-known for its hard drive and SSD failure rate reports. The interval of time it uses for its reports varies, as sometimes it’s quarterly, annual, or both. The company is using the longest … Continue reading

HP Updating Printers to Block Third-Party Ink Cartridges

Our connected world makes it simple to send documents around the world in the blink of an eye, but heaven have mercy if you ever need to print one of them. Printers are perhaps even more frustrating than they were … Continue reading