
ET Warhammer

ET Deals: Get Seven Warhammer PC Games with Humble Bundle

Warhammer, as a series, has a long history in tabletop games. However, it’s also well represented in the video game space, so long-time fans shouldn’t sleep on these excellent experiences. And thankfully, Humble Bundle has put together an affordable collection … Continue reading

If You’re Planning to Build a PC, You’d Best Build Soon

Life for PC manufacturers and channel customers (aka, those who build their own hardware) is going to get uglier in the next few months, in ways that could harm overall sales in the entire semiconductor industry. The ongoing trade war … Continue reading

Facebook Portal running Spotify

Shockingly, No One Trusts Facebook’s Portal Smart Displays

The remarkable thing about all the reviews is that everyone agrees the hardware is nice, and the video chat functionality is top-of-the-line. However, no one wants to recommend the Portal because no one trusts Facebook. The post Shockingly, No One … Continue reading

AMD Epyc

Chiplets are the Future, But They Won’t Replace Moore’s Law

AMD and Intel are both moving to ‘chiplet’ configurations of one sort or another, but the long-term scaling issues faced by both aren’t going away. The post Chiplets are the Future, But They Won’t Replace Moore’s Law appeared first on … Continue reading


Google Suggests Dark UI Mode Could Finally Be Coming to Android

Google focuses more on the interface and user experience of Android more than it ever has in the past. Android Pie is more thoughtfully designed than past versions of the platform, and Google’s interface design is coming together on app … Continue reading

Samsung Unveils Flexible Display That Will Launch in 2019

This flexible OLED technology will launch in 2019 as part of a still unnamed phone. Denison had the phone on stage, but we only got to see if for a precious few seconds. The post Samsung Unveils Flexible Display That … Continue reading


Fire TV how-to tips: Make the most of Amazon’s media streamers

Amazon recently launched the Fire TV Stick 4K, and it’s by far Amazon’s best streaming device in years. Still, there are lots of ways to make the experience better, not all of which are obvious when you’re just getting started. … Continue reading

3 étapes pour une expérience shopper engageante et profitable

Si beaucoup ont annoncé la mort du magasin physique, force est de constater que celui-ci a encore de beaux jours devant lui ! Pour preuve, les pureplayers se mettent à ouvrir leurs propres points de vente pour renforcer leur relation … Continue reading

Camaïeu triple le CA de ses campagnes emailing grâce à l’IA

Un chiffre d’affaire par email triplé, un taux de clic doublé, un taux d’ouverture qui augmente de 44% et un taux de conversion en hausse de 26%. C’est, entre autres, ce qu’a constaté Mayalis Nabolsi, directrice marketing client de Camaïeu, … Continue reading

Les 10 idées marketing de la semaine (5-9 novembre)

Au menu des 10 idées marketing cette semaine : Vimeo s’intègre à LinkedIn, Yoox lance une ligne inspirée de l’intelligence artificielle, Walmart poursuit sa quête sur la réalité virtuelle et Air China part à la conquête des voyageurs français.