
Programmatique-data : un couple qui matche

Encore perçu comme un mode d’achat média low cost, l’achat média programmatique, qui ne cesse de se développer sur le marché français, offre, en fait, des KPI’s puissants grâce à l’intégration de la data.

Le marché publicitaire reprend de la vigueur

Retour sur les principaux enseignements de l’étude Irep/France Pub, consacrée aux revenus publicitaires au premier semestre 2016, suivi d’une analyse de l’évolution du marché publicitaire par Xavier Guillon, directeur général de France Pub.

3W Régie lance une offre de mailing ciblé

La régie de Cdiscount lance une offre d’envoi de mails publicitaires personnalisés et en temps réel, à chaque visiteur identifié sur un site grâce à son cookie.

Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit (Stealth Bomber)

China claims to have invented quantum radar that could render entire US stealth fleet obsolete

China is claiming to have invented quantum radar. If true, this could destroy much of the stealth potential of the United States’ aircraft and Navy vessels — but we wouldn’t hold our breath just yet.

The best superhero movie of the year, and other films, are now streaming

If there’s a theme to this week’s collection of newly streaming movies it would have to be “not quite fitting in.” Either the movies are about outcasts, or the movies themselves occupy the fringes in some way. We have an … Continue reading

5 high-tech gadgets to upgrade your next cookout

People have been throwing outdoor celebrations for hundreds of years without technology—all you need is some fire, some friends, and some good food. But you can up the ante on your next party with some high-tech gadgets that will take … Continue reading

deals of the week 100676635 carousel.idge

Best Deals of the Week, September 19th – September 23rd – Deal Alert

Best Deals of the Week, September 19th – September 23rd – Deal Alert Check out this roundup of the best deals on gadgets, gear and other cool stuff we have found this week, the week of September 19th. All items … Continue reading


No one’s playing No Man’s Sky, as developer remains silent and players flee the franchise

No Man’s Sky has turned into a graveyard six weeks after launch, with a tiny fraction of its original player base. Hello Games remains devoted to the title, but many fans are frustrated with limited communication.

spacex explosion

SpaceX blames recent rocket explosion on helium tank breach

SpaceX says a breach in the helium system caused the anomaly, but it’s not the same as the last helium breach.

Luckey Touch Oculus

Oculus founder Palmer Luckey confirmed as anonymous backer behind pro-Trump memes

Oculus founder Luckey Palmer has admitted to funding a group dedicated to spreading pro-Trump, alt-right memes and self-described “shitposts.” This is not the kind of publicity Facebook is likely to want for its Oculus Rift VR platform.