

Ancient warfare: How scientists uncovered the remains of a Bronze Age battlefield

New research into a Bronze Age battle site has uncovered signs of a massive conflict between two opposing sides — far more than the sporadic raiding or tribal conflicts thought to occur in the area.

Tesla Powerwall with black Tesla

Tesla kills off its 10-kWh Powerwall: The chemistry wasn’t there

The Powerwall for Powerfailures would last 8 hours in the average US home. A $3,000 backup generator would power your house for weeks and weeks.


Oculus Rift review roundup: Enthusiasts love it, mainstream not so much

The Oculus Rift has finally hit reviewers’ hands and there’s an interesting split between the tech press and more mainstream publications. The overall trend is positive, but the Rift’s price and relatively limited launch content could slow mainstream adoption.

iPhone locked

FBI drops iPhone case, but only because it doesn’t need Apple anymore

This encryption fight is over, but if government statements are to be believed then we won’t have to wait long for Round 2.

Banish Netflix’s ‘Continue watching’ pop-up with Flix Assist

Netflix loves to serve its binge-watching customers who view a whole season of House of Cards or Daredevil in a matter of days. But Netflix knows how to annoy us bingers, too. The worst is when the streaming service pauses … Continue reading

La publicité a-t-elle encore un sens en B to B?

L’utilité de la publicité à destination des professionnels est contestée. Deux membres du Cmit (Club des directeurs marketing et communication de l’IT) Stephanie Kidder et Stéphane Albou nous livrent leurs visions contradictoires.

Affichage digital : 6 campagnes innovantes

Le média affichage se réinvente en permanence grâce au digital. Tour du monde des meilleures campagnes Digital Out Of Home, sélectionnées par l’agence Biborg.

Weborama lance une nouvelle technologie de data science: Big Fish

La data company a présenté sa nouvelle offre : un outil de data science baptisé Big Fish. Les cas d’utilisation s’annoncent multiples, dont l’indispensable détection des signaux faibles. Ipsos en est le premier client.

[Retailoscope] Nescafé dévoile ses flagships en Asie

Suite à la refonte de l’identité globale de Nescafé en 2011, CBA Retail a développé le concept de community store pour la marque. L’idée : proposer un endroit lifestyle, propre à rassembler et séduire une jeunesse libre, connectée et nomade. … Continue reading