
snoopers head

UK law mandates software backdoors, jail for disclosing vulnerability

The UK’s upcoming Snoopers Charter will mirror American tactics, making it a crime to reveal when the government forces you hand over user data.


LED implants: A new device for the biohacker cyborg arsenal

The Northstar V1 demonstrates the growing trend of biohacking and the promises of a cyborg future.

Apple HomeKit gets its first smart smoke detector

Apple’s smart home platform keeps growing with the arrival of the first HomeKit-enabled smoke detector. The Onelink smoke and CO detector ($110 at Lowe’s) from First Alert connects to iOS devices over Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, letting users test the alarm … Continue reading

Apple’s dropping Beats Music at the end of the month

Apple is pulling the plug on Beats Music on Nov. 30, shortly after launching the beta of an Android app for its Apple Music streaming service. The company is now encouraging both Android and iOS users of Beats Music to … Continue reading


SpaceX completes testing of SuperDraco engines (with video)

The SpaceX SuperDraco engine has completed its 27th test firing and passed its development tests. The new engine is designed to be flexible, easily adapted, and to save the crew during an abort sequence.

Devialet Phantom review: Forget everything you thought you knew about speaker technology

Devialet’s Phantom doesn’t look like a typical speaker; in fact, it doesn’t look like any kind of speaker I’ve encountered. It certainly isn’t designed like any speaker I’m familiar with. Most importantly, it doesn’t sound like any speaker I’ve heard. … Continue reading


New Vizio hack reveals company shares your data whether you accept its privacy policy or not

New data on Vizio Smart TV’s indicates that they’ve been sending your personal viewing habits to third parties whether you agreed to their terms of service or not. The problem should be fixed in the latest software update.

Interview: The future of TV on Microsoft’s Xbox One

I wasn’t particularly kind last month when I wrote about the Xbox One’s big interface overhaul and what it means for TV viewing. To me, the new home screen and revamped TV menu—which bears the Microsoftian title “OneGuide”—seemed like a confusing jumble of … Continue reading

8 conseils pour transformer les visiteurs d’un site web en clients

Jimmy Rodela, spécialiste du content marketing, a disséqué une page web à fort taux de conversion pour en tirer les meilleurs enseignements, dans une tribune repérée sur le site et traduite pour les lecteurs d’emarketing.

[Testez vos connaissances] Comment mettre en forme un tableau de bord marketing ?

Les tableaux de bord, présentation synthétique des indicateurs facilitant le pilotage de votre activité, sont un levier marketing majeur. Encore faut-il les mettre correctement en forme pour qu’ils soient efficaces. Ce mini-quiz vous permettra d’analyser vos compétences en la matière.