
[Billet] Influence, mot magique ?

“Sens dessus dessous” : dans ce nouveau RV bimensuel, la spécialiste du langage Jeanne Bordeau analyse le sens et le poids (marketing) des mots.

Les nouveaux business model de la presse magazine

L’institut d’études Xerfi s’est penché sur le devenir économique de la presse magazine à l’ère de l’omnicanal et fait le point sur les leviers de croissance et de monétisation.

FullSix lance une agence dédiée au mobile

L’agence FullSIX Air aborde l’ensemble des enjeux marketing et de communication liés au mobile, de la publicité à la data, en passant par les applications et sites mobiles.

La Tribune : le phoenix renaît de ses cendres.

Principal concurrent du quotidien économique Les Echos, le journal La Tribune a réussi sa transition numérique et s’est même permis un retour au papier, en format hebdomadaire. Décryptage.

[Salon e-Marketing] Comment insuffler de la data dans la fonction marketing ?

Le salon e-Marketing ouvre ses portes à Paris du 14 au 16 avril. A l’ère de la data, le marketing se fait plus “technologique”.

Amazon to add high dynamic range video content to its Prime Instant Video service

As you dither over making the leap to 4K UHD (ultra high definition), over-the-top (OTT) video service providers are already looking ahead to the next frontier in the never-ending quest for a truly lifelike TV experience. We’re talking about HDR … Continue reading


The NSA wants ‘front door’ access to your encrypted data

The NSA has proposed a new security arrangement that would split a cryptographic key between multiple services. This front-door approach is meant to avoid the security perils of a back door — but it creates plenty of problems of its … Continue reading

Falcon 9

WATCH LIVE: SpaceX will try landing its Falcon 9 rocket on a drone ship again Monday [Updated]

SpaceX will try again to land a rocket on its drone ship in hopes of perfecting a fully reusable launch system.

Falcon 9 SpaceX

WATCH LIVE: SpaceX will try landing its Falcon 9 rocket on a drone ship again Tuesday [Updated]

SpaceX will try again to land a rocket on its drone ship in hopes of perfecting a fully reusable launch system.

Vizio knocks 4K TV prices down to $600

Just seven months after cracking the $1000 barrier, Vizio’s 4K TV sets are getting even cheaper. Vizio’s new M-Series 4K (or Ultra HD) televisions start at $600 for a 43-inch model, and scale up to $4000 for an 80-inch model. … Continue reading