
Adobe Creative Cloud

Adobe makes it easier to download old Creative Suite apps, dump your monthly subscription

Want to get off the Adobe Creative Suite subscription treadmill, but not sure how? Now Adobe makes it easy to re-install your older versions, from right within its Cloud application.

Mars InSight lander, featured pic

NASA’s new InSight lander will plumb the depths of Mars in 2016

In just over two years, NASA hopes to have InSight on the surface of Mars to see what makes the red planet tick.

Samsung Flash SSD

New method of SSD garbage collection can boost drive performance up to 300%

A Japanese research team is claiming a storage efficiency breakthrough that could improve SSD performance by a huge margin.

Skype Translator: Universal translation between spoken languages, like a Babel fish

Microsoft shows off real-time universal speech translator for Skype, coming in 2014

At the inaugural Code Conference in California, CEO Satya Nadella has revealed that Microsoft’s real-time speech translation technology will finally make the jump from the mystical, bottomless pit of its R&D department to a consumer product: Skype. On stage at … Continue reading


Blasting drugs into your brain with ultrasound: Is this the future of chemotherapy?

Phased array technology enables an ultrasound beam to be focused to pinpoint locations inside the body. Researchers from Chang Gung University in Taiwan have now managed to shrink tumors deep inside the brains of rats by using this technique to … Continue reading

What a town with Solar Roadways road and sidewalk might look like

Solar Roadways passes $1.4 million in crowdfunding: Just short of the $56 trillion required, but not bad for a crazy idea

Over the weekend, the Solar Roadways project on Indiegogo reached its target of $1 million. At the time of publishing, that figure is now north of $1.4 million, with five days left to go. The concept is verging on utopian: … Continue reading

Lenovo Y50

ET deals: $270 off the Lenovo Y50 gaming laptop with GTX 860M

If you’re a PC gamer, then you know how hard it can be to travel. Packing up a massive gaming rig is a hassle, and you’re lucky if it survives the trip through checked luggage. Thankfully, gaming laptops are quite … Continue reading

Watch dogs

Watch Dogs: Analyzing the impact of Nvidia’s GameWorks integration and AMD performance

Forbes has slammed Watch Dogs as the latest example of GameWorks optimization hurting AMD, but the situation appears to be more complicated than that — and it’s not helped by the generally wretched state of the game in general.

GPS Satellite

MH370 satellite logs released, but redactions by Malaysian government will only fuel further conspiracy theories

Malaysian authorities, working with British satellite company Inmarsat, has released 47 pages of satellite logs that were used to track flight MH370 to the southern Indian Ocean. The timing on this release is significant, as Australia today announced that the … Continue reading

The B-52H, with a display of its various armaments

B-52 receives first tech upgrade since 1961: Now with color screens and wireless networking

The B-52 Stratofortress, which first entered service as a nuclear deterrent during the Cold War in 1952, has received its first ever technology overhaul. This overhaul, dubbed CONECT, brings the B-52H bomber kicking and screaming into the late 20th century, … Continue reading