
PS4, in pieces [Image credit: iFixit]

New report slams Xbox One and PS4 power consumption: Inefficiencies still abound

A new report from the National Resources Defense Council breaks down console power consumption across the new generation — and slams the Xbox One for its high usage in stand-by and while watching television.

Surface Pro 3, with stylus and kickstand that goes down to 150 degrees

The Surface Pro 3 will replace your laptop. With a stylus? Really?

Watching the Surface Pro 3 event yesterday, I wryly smiled as Panos Panay finally revealed Microsoft’s vision for the future of mobile computing: The damn stylus. Snap-in keyboards, friction hinges, and high-resolution displays are still there, of course, but it … Continue reading

Stanford's mid-field wirelessly powered microimplant, the size of a grain of rice

Here come the rice-grain-sized brain implants: Stanford discovers way of beaming power to microimplants deep inside your body

Stanford electrical engineer and biological implant mastermind, Ada Poon, has discovered a way of wirelessly transmitting power to tiny, rice-grain-sized implants that are deep within the human body. This could well be the breakthrough that finally allows for the creation … Continue reading


Robohand’s cheap 3D-printed leg is set to revolutionize prosthetics

To lower costs and widen availability of prosthetic limbs, a team of people from around the globe have teamed up to create 3D-printable prosthetics under the name “Robohand.” While the initial focus was on hands and fingers, the team has … Continue reading

Windows 8 China

Chinese government bans Windows 8 due to Microsoft’s retirement of Windows XP

China is claiming to be so worried about future software support from Microsoft that it is banning the use of Windows 8 on government PCs.


Scientists work out how create matter from light, to finally prove Einstein’s E=mc2

Physicists in England claim they have discovered how to create matter from light, by smashing together individual massless protons — a feat that was first theorized back in 1934, and has been considered practically impossible until now. If this new … Continue reading

Surface Pro 3, PR shot

Microsoft introduces the Surface Pro 3: A monster 12-inch tablet that ‘replaces the laptop’

At 11am Eastern Time (4pm UK time), Microsoft will hold a special Surface event in New York City. Microsoft has been uncustomarily secretive about the event, offering no guidance or embargoed materials to journalists. The only clue we have is … Continue reading

Mini-Surface Pro

Microsoft introduces the Surface Pro 3 (updated live blog)

At 11am Eastern Time (4pm UK time), Microsoft will hold a special Surface event in New York City. Microsoft has been uncustomarily secretive about the event, offering no guidance or embargoed materials to journalists. The only clue we have is … Continue reading

lamarck head2

Lamarck’s revenge: The epigenetics revolution may redeem one of Darwin’s oldest rivals

Epigenetics is one of the fastest growing areas in science today, but it’s still under attack as the ghost of a long-discredited evolutionary theory.

Mini-Surface Pro

Microsoft’s Surface Mini event: Watch the live video stream here (updated live blog)

At 11am Eastern Time (4pm UK time), Microsoft will hold a special Surface event in New York City. Microsoft has been uncustomarily secretive about the event, offering no guidance or embargoed materials to journalists. The only clue we have is … Continue reading