
Woman arrested in phone hacking probe – YAHOO!

Police have arrested a string of people on suspicion of illegally accessing mobile phone voicemails, including Andy Coulson, a former News of the World editor and ex-communications director for Prime Minister David Cameron. Police have also arrested seven …

PM vows to keep austerity measures – The Guardian

Mr Cameron said a rethink would be “the wrong thing to do”, after … ComRes interviewed 2,050 adults online between November 25-27 and another 2,052 adults between December 16-18 and the data was weighted to be demographically representative.

‘Editor’s assistant’ held in phone hacking probe – YAHOO!

Police have arrested a string of people on suspicion of illegally accessing mobile phone voicemails, including Andy Coulson, a former News of the World editor and ex-communications director for Prime Minister David Cameron. Seven people have also been …

Cameroun - Football : le Camerounais Mohammed Iya désigné membre du comité d\' organisation de la Coupe du monde 2014

Cameroun – Football : le Camerounais Mohammed Iya désigné membre du comité d\’ organisation de la Coupe du monde 2014

Le président de la Fédération camerounaise de football (FECAFOOT), Mohammed Iya, a été désigné membre de la commission d\’organisation de la Coupe du monde de football Brésil 2014 par la FIFA, a annonce mercredi la FECAFOOT. "Iya Mohammed a été … Continue reading

Cameroun : «L’affaire Eto’o » parmi les les dossiers chauds du Comité exécutif de la Fécafoot

Cameroun : «L’affaire Eto’o » parmi les les dossiers chauds du Comité exécutif de la Fécafoot

La réunion de ce vendredi est attendue par les observateurs, les amateurs de football, l’opinion nationale et internationale. Mais rien ne laisse présager une rencontre spéciale à la lecture des premiers points inscrits à l’ordre du jour. On pense tout … Continue reading

Cameron defiant on austerity policy – The Guardian

Mr Cameron declared it would be “the wrong thing to do” after … ComRes interviewed 2,050 adults online between November 25-27 and another 2,052 adults between December 16-18 and the data was weighted to be demographically representative.

David Cameron: scaling back austerity measures is ‘wrong thing to do’ – The Guardian

David Cameron has said he will not bow to pressure to scale back … ComRes interviewed 2,050 adults online between 25 and 27 November and another 2,052 adults between 16 and 18 December. The data was weighted to be demographically … Continue reading

The 10 hottest consumer trends for 2012 – TMCnet

Mobile phones play a significant role in everyday life … Regions/Markets involved in the latest research: Argentina, Australia, Benin, Brazil, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan , Colombia, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Egypt …

Al Ward: Taking a youngster hunting rewarding – Topeka Capital-Journal

Jim Charity was in our restaurant and asked me if I would take his son, Cameron, 12, hunting. I have known Jim a long time and his older son, James, worked for us years ago. Cameron had passed his hunter … Continue reading

Nation On Edge Trying to Avert North-South Clashes –

“The recent Christmas bombings may spark off retaliation against Muslims,” Shehu Sani, president of the Civil Rights Congress of Nigeria, a human rights group, told IPS by phone … near Nigeria’s borders with Chad, Cameroon and Niger.