
Intel Promises Falcon Shores AI Data Center Chip in 2025

Intel says its next AI-focused design will be faster than the current market leaders.

L’influence virtuelle, bouleversement en vue ou épiphénomène dans l’univers du social media ?

Si l’influence est devenue en quelques années un levier marketing des plus puissants, l’influence virtuelle fait, elle, peu à peu place dans la stratégie des marques. Une tribune signée par Florian Rakotonarivo, Social Media Manager chez ESV.

SanDisk Portable SSDs Are Dying Left and Right, but Only Some Models Will Get a Fix

Western Digital has finally promised a firmware update for failing 4TB SSDs, but it says nothing about the equally problematic 2TB versions.

On s’interroge sur… Marketplaces & scroll long

Chaque mois, les experts UX, UI et tech de USERADGENTS s’interrogent sur une expérience mobile repérée chez des acteurs clés. 2e de cette série, les homes personnalisées des apps de marketplaces qui misent sur un scroll long voire infini pour … Continue reading

First Nvidia RTX 4060 Ti and Radeon RX 7600 Benchmarks Show Nvidia Has the Upper Hand

The real matchup is between the RTX 4060 and the newest Radeon, but we’ll have to wait a bit longer for that to materialize.

Intel Meteor Lake CPUs Appear to Have New Low-Power ‘Hidden’ Cores

Intel’s 14th generation CPUs might have two low-power cores that could be a boon to mobile devices.

Blue Origin Will Build NASA’s Second Lunar Lander Under $3.4 Billion Contract

SpaceX will have some competition for future Artemis landings.

Skip the Code and Build Games, Metaverse Experiences, and More is the easiest way to turn your imagination into a reality.

Universal mRNA-Based Flu Vaccine Undergoing First Clinical Trial

If it proves effective, the new vaccine could offer the public long-term immunity from the virus’s many evolutions.

Stretchy ‘E-Skin’ Facilitates Sense of Touch

The technology could help return tactile sensation to people who have experienced burns or other nerve-damaging conditions.