Invest in Africa 2017 Intl. Investment Conference and Exhibitors Summit
The “First Annual Invest In Africa Conference” and “Exhibitors Summit” is a historic event which brings hundreds of international banks, institutions, investors, corporate and institutional leaders, international organizations and professionals. (EMAILWIRE.COM) Cairo, Egypt — The “First Annual Invest In Africa … Continue reading
The EXNESS Logo Adorns Infiniti Red Bull Racing’s New Formula One Car
(EMAILWIRE.COM, February 5, 2015) JEREZ, SPAIN — The EXNESS logo has appeared on the Infiniti Red Bull Racing 2015 Formula One car, RB11, which the team began testing February 1 on the Circuito de Jerez circuit in Spain. The RB11′s … Continue reading
COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE Un séminaire de formation en payement prépayé organisé pour partager les meilleures pratiques dans la toute la région. (AFRICANEWSWIRE.NET) Dakar, Sénégal, Décembre 2014 – Les programmes prépayés évoluent à un rythme rapide dans la région du Moyen-Orient … Continue reading
Advantages of Unlimited Press Release Distribution Services from EmailWire Global NewsWire
Press Release EmailWire explains freedom to write as many press releases as possible, pricing and flexibility to change writing/campaign styles as advantages of unlimited press release distribution services. (EMAILWIRE.COM, September 16, 2014) Houston, TX – Why should a business use … Continue reading
Bientôt une bourse des matières premières au Cameroun
Ce sont les matériaux de base tels que le cacao, le café, l’huile de palme brute ou encore le maïs qui seront cotés à la Cameroon Commodity Exchange, la future bourse des matières premières du Cameroun. Anne Mireille Nzouankeu Younde, … Continue reading
The Culture of Evaluation Is a Must – World Bank Official
Walter Nana Buea, Cameroon David Akana is a Cameroonian-born journalist with deep insights on environmental issues, climate change and the need for Governments across the world to factor the processes of monitoring and evaluation in their development drives. A staff … Continue reading
At Buea – UK Summit: Cameroonian Diaspora Commit To Development
Walter Wilson Nana Buea, Cameroon Members of the Cameroonian Diaspora in the United Kingdom from the group christened Buea – UK Forum have taken a commitment to be part of Cameroon’s development strive and that of Buea in particular. At … Continue reading
Cameroun: des experts financiers sont oubliés
D’après eux, leurs activités ne sont pas prises en compte par les pouvoirs publics, les organismes nationaux et internationaux. Josiane Kouagheu, Douala-Cameroun Au Cameroun, le métier d’expert financier n’est pas connu. D’après des experts, les populations ignorent l’importance de leur … Continue reading
Cameroun : Pourquoi les banques refusent de prêter aux PME
Josiane Kouagheu Douala-Cameroun Pour des experts, le manque de confiance et de garantie sont les principales raisons qui pénalisent ces Petites et moyennes entreprises. Patrice Baemble, la trentaine sonnée, a toujours eu un rêve : être un chef d’entreprise respecté … Continue reading
OHADA Celebrates 20 Years with a Week of Economic Forum and International Colloquium
Wilfred Enow Agbor Yaounde, Cameroon Ata Nchomba Houston, TX The Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA) celebrated its 20 years of existence at the Yaoundé Conference Center. The celebration took place on October 22, and it … Continue reading