
Marques, misez sur le papier pour faire la différence

Autrefois passage obligé d’une stratégie marketing, le papier s’inscrit, à l’ère du digital, comme un canal différenciant. Presse, marques premium ou grand public y reviennent ainsi.

[Interview] Mercedes Erra, fondatrice de BETC et présidente exécutive d’Havas Worldwide

Encore installée faubourg Saint-Martin, Mercedes Erra nous a reçus pour un entretien sincère et chaleureux sur sa carrière, ses valeurs, sa vision des maux dont souffre notre société et le projet pharaonique d’installation à Pantin.

Euro 2016: les dispositifs de trois sponsors

Évenement phare de l’année 2016, l’Euro est, pour les marques, riche en opportunités de par sa popularité. Focus sur les dispositifs de la FDJ, Kia et Coca-Cola.

Euro 2016 : les marques entrent en jeu

Sponsors officiels ou non, les marques sont nombreuses à vouloir tirer profit de l’engouement généré par la prochaine compétition de football. La fièvre du ballon rond n’est plus l’apanage des supporters.

moon lens

One-of-a-kind telephoto lens used on Apollo 15 moon landing up for auction

The first telephoto lens used on the moon is up for sale, and it’ll only cost you a few hundred thousand dollars.

Intel Xeon E7 Ivy Bridge-EX die (15 core)

Intel’s new low-cost Apollo Lake platform: Skylake graphics, new Goldmont CPU

Intel is prepping a major launch in the back half of 2016, with a refreshed Atom architecture designed for lower power consumption and lower price points.

Sony cranks up optical disc storage to 3.3TB

Optical discs like Blu-ray are losing favor, but Sony and Panasonic don’t seem to care. The companies have cranked up the storage capacity on optical media to a stunning 3.3TB. That’s a big advance in Sony’s optical storage, which is … Continue reading

This infidelity-sensing mattress is so dumb it has to be a marketing stunt

Of all the potential criteria for buying a mattress—firmness, breathability, the presence of memory foam, to name a few—being able to catch a cheating spouse probably isn’t high on anyone’s list. But that hasn’t deterred Spanish mattress maker Durmet, which … Continue reading

Facebook surround 360

Facebook invents awesome Surround 360 VR camera, gives the design away

Facebook’s Surround 360 isn’t just another expensive VR camera rig — it’s open source, with the idea that others will improve on its features, and help lower its current $30,000 component cost.

Verizon’s long-awaited Internet-infused TV overhaul could happen this year

Verizon is reportedly preparing a new TV service this year, one that’s vastly different from the current Fios TV offering. The service includes a new set-top box and overhauled interface that “wont look at all” like Fios TV, Variety’s unnamed … Continue reading