

The best movies on Netflix and other services this week are a different kettle of fish

Sometimes you’re just in the mood a different movie experience, something that takes you far from the familiar and comfortable. Different, of course, is different for different folks. For some, it could be a a good rock ‘n’ roll comedy; … Continue reading


Graphene-sheathed copper wires could dramatically speed future processors, cut power consumption

New research into graphene’s potential shows that it could be used to boost the performance of copper wires inside semiconductors. If true, this could clear one of the most significant bottlenecks to modern CPU performance.

AI dreams

Pig-snails in the sky: How Google is exploring the essence of artificial neural networks

The inner workings of artificial neural networks are still mysterious. Why do some work and others don’t? Google is trying to find out by pulling them apart.

[Rencontre] Stéphane Gauthier : "L’usage, lien entre design et innovation"

Design et innovation vont de pairs, liés par un objectif commun : répondre aux besoins des utilisateurs.

Les marques prennent (aussi) le train

Le Petit Ballon, Sephora, Bomoï, My Major Compagny Label, J’ai Lu … toutes ces marques prennent place à bord des IDTGV durant tout l’été.

Google datacenters

Details on Google’s massive cloud infrastructure revealed

The search company has been forced to build its own solutions as the need for greater data center bandwidth has outstripped Moore’s Law.

DelFFi curvature closed CubeSat

These CubeSat nanosatellites are powered with ice

Can ice generate thrust in small satellites? It turns out it’s possible, and it has several key advantages over conventional rocket fuels.

Roku squashes fears about ads tracking other devices in your home

Editor’s note: This article originally published with the headline “Roku interactive ads wade into potentially creepy territory.” After publication, Roku got back to us with the following statement squashing the idea of device-tracking ads entirely: “The statement in the TechCrunch … Continue reading

No, Apple won’t ban artists from iTunes for opposing Apple Music

A firestorm erupted on Twitter this week after Anton Newcombe, front man for psychedelic rock band The Brian Jonestown Massacre, accused Apple of threatening him with an iTunes ban if his band didn’t agree to the terms of Apple Music. … Continue reading

Roku interactive ads wade into potentially creepy territory

A new type of advertisement on Roku devices is raising privacy concerns among some users. Roku is partnering with a company called Innovid to offer interactive advertisements. The ads could allow users to play a game, view current sales, or … Continue reading