
NP6 achète Ezakus, pionnier de la DMP

L’alliance de l’emailing et de la DMP est officielle : NP6 annonce, le 1er juillet, l’acquisition du spécialiste de la DMP Ezakus, avec pour objectif d’aider les directions marketing à choisir la cible d’envoi de leurs campagnes, ainsi que le … Continue reading

Best movies for celebrating the Fourth of July

The Fourth of July, Independence Day, celebrates our country’s rebellion from tyrannical rule, and our establishment of a system of government by the people, for the people, and of the people. Though we often take it for granted, our country—for … Continue reading

Tesla Model S red

Tesla records its first Autopilot fatal crash; NHTSA opens investigation

Tesla records its first fatality in 130 million Autopilot self-driving miles when a Model S under-rides a tractor trailer turning left. Authorities have to find if driver Joshua Brown was distracted, perhaps by a video.

Apple might buy Jay Z’s Tidal for its A-list exclusives

Soon, Dr. Dre may not be the only rapper with a parking spot in Cupertino. The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Apple is currently in exploratory talks to acquire Tidal, the streaming music service owned by Jay Z. According … Continue reading

cold war head

Did enlightened US and Soviet scientists help avert nuclear war?

A new book argues that US and Russian scientists collaborated on nuclear safety and research initiatives, helping to keep the Cold War from going nuclear.

The future of Plex: More tools for cord cutters, and less of a focus on the PC

This week, Plex begins the slow process of extricating itself from the desktop PC. Plex’s server software—which lets you stream your video, music, and photo libraries to other devices around the house—has always required either an always-on PC or a … Continue reading

DMexco 2016

Evénement européen dédié au marketing digital avec 500 conférenciers internationaux et un programme de séminaires sur deux journées. Les 14 & 15 septembre 2016 à Cologne (Allemagne) Renseignements

Où en est le shopper marketing aujourd’hui?

Pour nos lecteurs qui n’auraient pas pu se rendre au New York Shopper Marketing Summit, Franck Rosenthal, expert en marketing du commerce, revient sur les tendances qui vont guider le retail et les acteurs qui ont fait parler d’eux.

"La collaboration entre TF1 et les start-up est une relation win-win"

Le groupe TF1, qui a annoncé le lancement d’un fond d’investissement en soutien aux start-up, occupe un lab d’innovation sur le salon Viva technology.